Is possible if natural foods that boost your
immunity, so today I want share fact or not this statements. Why garlic the
most pungent of the plant, in a reason is inhabitants garlic contains the
immune stimulating compound Elias on which promotes the activity of white blood
cells to destroy cold and flu viruses it also stimulates other immune cells
which fight viral fungal and bacterial infections garlic kills with near 100%
effectiveness the human Rhino virus which causes colds common flu and
respiratory viruses because a lichen is Released.
When you cut chop chew or crush rock cloves allow
freshly chopped garlic to stand for 10 minutes and then cook it sprinkle it
over foods drop it into soup or swallow bits of garlic with some water like a
pill you can also drop a clove of garlic into some honey and Swallow.
It immediately for a quick dose that tastes good
onions like garlic contain lichen they also contain certain on nutrient that
breaks up mucus in your head and chest while boosting your immune system
additionally the pungency of onions increases your blood.
circulation and makes you sweat which is helpful
during cold weather to help prevent infections consuming raw onion within a few
hours of the first symptoms of a cold or flu produces a strong immune effect
chopping onions into your favorite soup or cooked recipe is a great way to enjoy
them also it may sound a little weird but putting half an onion in your bedroom
while you sleep can help absorb.
Some of the circulating bacteria and potentially
lessen the symptoms of your cold ginger
spicy pungent and delicious ginger
reduces fevers soothes sore throats and
encourages coughing to remove mucus from
the chest anti inflammatory chemicals
like shah Johan
and ginger org if ginger that spicy kick that stimulates blood circulation and opens your sinuses improved circulation means more oxygen is getting to your tissues to help remove toxins and viruses
research has indicated that ginger can help prevent entreat the flu ginger is
also extremely helpful for stomach lickers nausea and headaches.
If you are
feeling a little sickly a homemade ginger tea is one of the best things you can
drink slice some fresh ginger root place it into a pot with water and bring to
a boil then drop in a bit of lemon juice or ken which makes the tea that much
ore effective at nourishing and purifying your system KN the KN family of hot
uppers KN habanera scotch bonnet and bird peppers to name a few contains.
capsicums a rich source of vitamin C and vow falconoid
which shave your immune system in
fighting colds and flush it does this by increasing the production of white
blood cells which cleanse your cells and tissues of toxins k n Papa is also full of beta-carotene.
And antioxidants that support your immune system
and help build healthy Mucous membrane tissue that defends against viruses and
bacteria spicy KN peppers raise your body’s temperature to make you sweat
increasing the activity of your immune
system the fresher the pepper the more effective.
it is however
fresher also means spicier so choose accordingly when you’re sick add organic, key
n powder to some warm water with lemon juice for an intense immune boost squash
is a good source of vitamin C and kheireddine the six arytenoids out of the 600
found in nature found most commonly.
in human tissue and supplied by squash and other
gods decrease the risk of various cancers protect the eyes and skin from the effects
of ultraviolet light and defend against heart disease one of them alpha carotene
helps slow down the aging process butternut
squash is the strongest source of these nutrients but
you can also try a con Hubbard delicate calabash and
spaghetti squash citrus fruits adding a bit of citrus to your diet goes a long
way toward fending off your next cold or flu packed with vitamin C.
Oranges and grapefruits help
increase your body’s resistance to nasty invaders
The best way to enjoy citrus fruits is to eat them
whole otherwise you can make fresh juice yourself stay away from the pre-made
stuff in cartons or in the freezer section at your supermarket.
Green pea green tea is a potent source of
antioxidants called polyphones especially cater trains some studies have found
that catechism can destroy the influenza and common cold viruses sipping a hot
cup of green tea when you’re feeling under the weather can really help you come
alive again try adding some honey or lemon to kick it up a bit.
Mushrooms for century’s people around the world
have turned to mushrooms for a Healthy immune system contemporary researchers
now know why studies show that mushrooms increase the production. And activity
of white blood cells making thing
When you have an infection shiitake may I take change
and reship mushrooms appear to pack the biggest immunity punch experts
recommend eating a quarter ounce to an ounce a few times a day for maximum